Our philosophical point of view
We believe teaching and learning are interrelated and inseparable. As a result, we seek first to learn from individuals with disabilities then teach them using a compassionate approach.
We use assessment to gain better a understanding of issues and concerns.
Our assessment process results in a true and in-depth understanding of the issues and concerns an individual and family or team faces. Our assessments do not lead to labels or diagnosis.
Our approach and techniques
We engage in an effective, thoughtful, multi-level approach when dealing with issues and concerns.
We emphasize “prevention first,” meaning we equip individuals and families with the therapeutic skills needed to create the most successful quality of life for everyone.
The way we deliver our services
We provide direct services to individuals and families in their own environments
We are available 24/7
We focus on minimizing paperwork and meetings and maximizing time spent with individuals and families
We bill only for the services we provide
We use immediate electronic reporting to case managers